My story with Yoga
I started my Yoga practice at age 22, during my very first job as an Architect in my hometown Caracas, Venezuela, when I joined a co-worker and friend to a class. It was love at first sight! I had never been a sporty person, so it felt great to finally find a physical activity I was really comfortable with.
Being part of a community
I joined every free class I could find in parks and public spaces, until I decided it was time to "get serious" and join a studio. After trying several schools and styles, I discovered a studio in my neighborhood that taught Anusara. I have beautiful memories from that period, because it was a small studio where everybody knew each other and we used to drink tea together after class over a little chat. This was all very new to me, I felt like I was part of a community. On the other side, I loved the words before and after the asana practice and the focus on alignment with hints and very specific instructions and corrections, which made me very aware of my body in a way I had never experienced before. I improved my posture and breathing in a short time.
Becomming fluid
Then I wanted something more active, so I met Vinyasa Flow. Anusara had thought me the exact aligment for each posture, but the fluidity of Vinyasa made it easier to focus my attention on the practice instead of my constant thoughts - have I mentioned that I'm a big overthinker already? - I started noticing that I was much calmer, and the litle "problems" I had during the day didn't matter as much after the class. I remember being excited during the day, waiting for the time of the class.
Learning by teaching
In 2016 I moved to Berlin. By that point, I had been thinking about becoming a Yoga teacher for several years already, but there was an inner voice that just didn't allow me to even look for information. Either I would think it was too expensive or too long or just not for me. The experience of migration and everything that comes along with it made me aware of the bad relationship I had with myself, always demanding more and blaming myself if something didn't turn out the way I expected. With the help of many books, podcasts, therapy and the practice of yoga, I learned to observe my thoughts and separate myself from them, I was able to see more possibilities for me and I chose to be in control of my internal world. I decided I needed to share this with anyone who needed it, so here I am!
Learning from Others
Since then, I've expanded my knowledge with several teacher trainings:
200h Vinyasa and Hatha Flow Training
Yoga ist... Berlin, with Cécile Guyomard
20h Yin Yoga Basis Training
Yoga Circle Akademie, with Kathrin Knauth
300h Ashtanga, Hatha and Vinyasa
Bali Yoga School, with the Himalayan Yoga Association